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Happy gardeners Dee Kattan, Varetta Hamlin, Laurie Hoffman, Kathy Schanze, Marion Baker and Jeriyn Hale with some of their bounty!

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Woodville Park

​Woodville Park Garden continues to be a project for Gloucester Master Gardener interns to reach the 50 volunteer hours required to become a member of the organization.

For the 2024 growing season, the Woodville Park Garden has been designed, planted, and harvested with intern volunteer hours. (All 3 interns with this project have reached full MG status by midyear!)

The GEMG offered and arranged by agreement with the Gloucester County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism to plant and maintain two vacant raised beds at Woodville Park that had been a project of the Community Services Board’s Prevention Program. With the current total of 4 of the 5 existing raised beds we have been growing, harvesting (and delivering) produce for the local food bank, Bread for Life. We harvest once a week. An important part of the project is to learn and teach vegetable and flower production, proper planting, maintenance, fertilization, pest and disease control and crop rotation. We have also had opportunities to share our project with interested park visitors who frequent the park and have enjoyed seeing the gardens flourish. Our fifth bed is planted in flowers. We have partnered with the project at Walter Reed Convalescent Center to use the flowers grown at Woodville Park for a flower arranging program there.


Interested in how Woodville Park came about? Click here for a brief history of Woodville Park written by GEMG Jim Newton.


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Gloucester Virginia Master Gardeners


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Gloucester Extension Master Gardeners

P.O. Box 156

Gloucester, VA 23061

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Virginia Cooperative Extension
6099 T C Walker Road
Entrance 65
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone:  804-693-2606


Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, sex (including pregnancy), gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.

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